Back in 1995, a shocking headline about child labour spurred then 12 year-old Craig Kielburger into starting the Free The Children foundation. Today, along with brother Marc, these young men have literally managed to inspire a nation of youth to take action. At the first inaugural We Vancouver event, the Kielburger brothers were joined by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other international celebrities to talk to more than 16,000 Vancouver students between the ages of 12-17 about their “Ten by Ten” campaign and the call for “compassion, courage and community”. See <www.giveyour10.com> and <www.freethechildren.com> for more info.

01 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama talks to the students on stage with founder Craig Kielburger.
02 – Sarah McLachlan is one of the musical headliners for this special day of awareness.
03 – At 75 years young, Dame Jane Goodall still travels the planet talking about her time with the chimpanzees and importance of world conservation.
04 – Jason Mraz, known for his hit song “I’m Yours”, wows the young audience with his performance.
05 – The Right Honourable Michaelle Jean, Governor General of Canada, welcomes over 16,000 youths speaking in both French and English.
06 – CTV’s Tanya Kim speaks with BC Premier Gordon Campbell who encourages everyone to go out fight for change that is right.
07 – Formerly married to both Frank Sinatra and Woody Allen, actress turned activist Mia Farrow describes the horrific conditions and cruelty she witnessed when in the Africa.
08 – Event chair Lorne Segal and wife Melita have lots to be proud of as they wait to meet the Dalai Lama backstage. Son Matthew is one of the few students who got to ask the Dalai Lama a question live in front of the audience.
09 – Young and charming, the cast of Degrassi: The Next Generation came out in support of the new era for change. Scott Paterson, Sam Earle, Dalmar Abuzeid, Raymond Ablack.
By Catherine Barr
Published by the North Shore Outlook on Oct 1, 2009