Can you feel it? It’s in the air and it’s spreading. And with less than 30 days to go, it seems like everybody has suddenly come down with a big case of Olympic fever. Everyone’s getting into the act – from real estate to restaurants to politicians. We’re sprucing up and getting ready to welcome the world. So buckle in, because judging from my email and twitter feeds, we’re in for one heck of a good time. Be sure and stay tuned . . .

01 – West Vancouver restaurateur Clay Fuller cuddles up to 80s chart-topper-turned-jazz-diva Lee Aaron at the relaunch of his Town Hall restaurant on Alberni (formerly Saltlik).
02 – Building for the future, the men behind the Parks on Third project in North Van are betting on the boom. From left: Mike Parker, Builder – Ed Ballard, Somerset Homes – Barry Chillibeck, Engineer – Matthew T. Hansen, Architect
03 – West Vancouver MP John Weston and former Olympic ski champ Senator Nancy Greene Raine came out to talk to the locals at a special town hall meeting this week at Park Royal Shopping Centre.
04 – Bowen Island student Francesca Brind-Boronkay, seen here with Canadian Olympic Committee member and dad Peter Boronkay, is the artist behind one of the West Vancouver Olympic pins now being sought out by collectors.
05 – Helping get the town hall Olympic meeting underway are Park Royal marketing director Nancy Small, left and constituency assistant Vivienne Bromley.
06 – Sharing the spirit of competition at the town hall meeting are Andrea Holmes, left, former Crazy Canuck skier Steve Podborski and Annamay Pierse.
07 – Transforming the corner of 18th and Marine into something of a luxury legacy are the Parkview Place team of Lynda Proc, left, developers Johann and Linda Berger, and Ray Proc.
– Catherine Barr
– Published in print in the North Shore Outlook newspaper on Jan 14, 2010