Dan Aykroyd and Hillary Clinton Gala

Celebrities in town this month brought out the who’s who of the North Shore and Vancouver. First up, a visit by one of the most powerful ladies in the U.S., Hillary Clinton. The Vancouver Board of Trade / Women’s Leadership Circle event was one of the most successful events ever held by the board. A private VIP meet and greet and then after event reception allowed everyone to talk about the lady that very well may become the next President of the United States. Next up, actor/comedian Dan Aykroyd played bartender to an invited list of guests at the Vancouver Club as part of a special Crystal Head Vodka launch event. Entertaining and personable, it was a joy to interview him about his career, his famous friends and his cocktails.

Dan aykroyd hillary clinton

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01 – We talked about movies, the early days on Saturday Night Live and the recent death of friend and Ghostbuster co-star Harold Ramis. Cheers to actor Dan Aykroyd on his new Crystal Head Vodka product.

02 – Shaw TV host Fiona Forbes raises a toast with a delicious Crystal Head martini freshly shaken by actor Dan Aykroyd.

03 – Seen in the VIP lounge at the Hillary Clinton event, Board of Trade CEO Iain Black and his father Stewart greet guests before the speech.

04 – Chatting after the Hillary Clinton event at a special after-reception are judge/politician Wall Opal, left, and Turner Media Canada Ltd and West Vancouverite Craig Turner.

05 – Muddling fruit and vodka alongside actor Dan Aykroyd, CTV weatherman and North Vancouverite Marke Dreisschen mixes and mingles at the Crystal Head Vodka event.

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By Catherine Barr – March, 2014

Also as seen in print in the North Shore Outlook Newspaper on Mar 27, 2014

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