Vancouver’s Opus Hotel Summer Street Party


The 10th Annual Opus Bar Street Party kicked things into high gear recently as Vancouver’s hipsters, and a few from the North Shore, hit the see-and-be-seen circuit to shake things up in the sun. Venice Beach Heat was the theme as the hotel closed down the streets outside to hold the mega party crowd. Sponsored by Caya, the event included cocktails and live performances. The big ending was a chic fashion show and the chance to socialize with the Real Housewives of Vancouver.


01 – Darren Parkman, left, of Travel Guys fame joins radio personality Joe Leary and photographer Paul Duchart for a cold Corona or two.

02 – Event host Fiona Forbes and friend Michele Gradin join the festivities in the street.

03 – Real Housewives of Vancouver stars Ronnie Negus, left, from West Vancouver and friend Mary Zilba are among the VIPs in attendance.

04 – Telus’s Kenn Hamlin, left, joins Opus owner John Evans as the live performance stars on the stage.

05 – Caya representatives Trevor Tiede and Lara White are on hand at the sponsor booth.

By Catherine Barr – August 10, 2012

Also as seen in print in the North Shore Outlook newspaper (Black Press)

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