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Seymour Golf and Country Club North VAncouver Ladies Charity Tournament
July 10, 2008
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
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It wasn't flying golf balls as much as falling trees that highlighted a wild and windy day at North Vancouver's Seymour Golf Club last week. The Seymour ladies league annual charity tournament - Divots and Dragons - was a rip roaring success despite a wind storm that knocked a tree down on the pro shop and took out power to the kitchen for an hour. Still, the gals were up "fore" the challenge which helped raise funds for the Westcoast Alternative Society’s “Kid’s FIRST” Program. Big thanks to Craftsman Collision and others who sponsored the event making it one of the most successful ever. And kudos to the chef, staff and volunteers for a fabulous day - I was literally blown away.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
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Volunteer and member Donna Pawluk attends to the tournament raffle draw. |
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Getting into the swing of things are Carol Krieger, left, Laura Keast and Donna Gamble. |
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Tournament chair Helen Wait, centre, has nothing but praise for her many volunteers which include Yvonne Younge, left, and Lois Martin. |
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Ladies captain Bernice Browne, left, and Mardy Duncan get into the Divots and Dragons theme by wearing red and black. |
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It was an afternoon to remember for members Joanne North, left, Shirley Binkley, Karren Batstone and Shirley De La Mothe who were on the 6th hole when a big tree came cracking down next to them. |
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Big thanks to my golfing gal pals - you were an awesome team! From left: Sanam _______, The Buzz 1410 radio host Jennifer Thomson and Katty Chaichian. |
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