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Crimson Cabaret for North Shore Women's Centre
Feb 2, 2008
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
The North Shore Outlook is delivered to over 60,000 homes in Canada's wealthiest communities, North Vancouver and West Vancouver, every Thursday - over 60,000 issues in print. |
Crimson Cabaret - "Celebrating Creative Women" took place last Saturday at North Van's Centenntial Theatre. Hosted by the Outlook's very own publisher, Linda Stewart, this 4th annual fundraiser for the North Shore Women's Centre (NSWC) featured a line-up of multicultural performances, a silent auction and more. Proceeds raised go to improve the "social, economic and political status of women."
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
Vancouver's best events and celebrity functions are all archived here. Vancouver pubs, clubs, nightclubs, gala events and fundraisers are included. Thanks for viewing.
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NSCW volunteer Kelly Knott became a ticket taker and greeted guests at the door. |
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NSWC executive director Michelle Dodds, left, and event coordinator Supriya Ryan were dressed to impress. |
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Maureen Johnston, NSWC board chair, is thrilled to see the event in its fourth year. |
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Looking beautiful in blue - the gals from the Soroptimist ladies of North and West Vancouver came out in support. |
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Jazz soul diva and performer Coco Love Alcorn, left, poses with Successful Women Always Network (SWAN) rep Francine Legault before the show starts. |
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Vancouver Korean Dance Societ artistic director "Vivian" Chung Hye Seoung, centre, prepared to take the stage with dancers Sung Yoo, left, and Seon Hwa Lee. |
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