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Jann Arden at West Vancouver Kay Meek Centre for Lions Gate Hospital and North Shore Hospice
April 11, 2008
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
The North Shore Outlook is delivered to over 60,000 homes in Canada's wealthiest communities, North Vancouver and West Vancouver, every Thursday - over 60,000 issues in print. |
Award-winning singer/songwriter Jann Arden and TV personality Vicki Gabereau headlined one of the more spectacular events of this season at West Vancouver's Kay Meek Centre last Friday. The gala evening, which included a sparkling Magnum champagne reception beforehand, was a fundraiser for the Lions Gate Hospice Society and their goal of building the North Shore's first free-standing hospice. Fabulous raffle prizes included a Brinkhaus Polar Bear diamond, a Rocky Mountain romance package and a dream golf /helicopter package.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
Vancouver's best events and celebrity functions are all archived here. Vancouver pubs, clubs, nightclubs, gala events and fundraisers are included. Thanks for viewing.
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A welcoming smile from Kay Meek's Bryony Reid starts the night off right as she greets guests at the door. |
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Jean Lawrence, left, chats with former West Vancouver mayor Ron Wood and wife Jo-Ann. Ron is also the Lions Gate Hospice Society vice president. |
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Selling raffle tickets for all the spectacular prizes are volunteers Jane Jordan, left, and Brooke Angus. |
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Hospice supporters Suman Kashyap, left, and Sheri Gul enjoy appetizers and conversations before the show. |
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Liz Byrd, left, Chair of the West Vancouver Arts Centre Trust, and event committee member Susanna Bell-Irving Gray are thrilled with the turnout for the big event. |
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Event MC and TV personality Vicki Gabereau and partner Tom Rowe are among the VIPs and invited guests. |
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Lions Gate Hospice Society president, Marie Payette-Falls, left, welcomes Julie Vanderspek, and Carl and Margaret Hope whose generous donation of $112,500 goes a long way to supporting the hospice. |
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