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Fernandez Earle Scholarship Foundation Gala Dinner at Capilano Golf and Country Club
May 15, 2008
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
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Best friends Kane Fernandez of Hawaii and Roger Earle of B.C. couldn't get enough of two things - fishing and family. Together, they saw the need protect the coastal communities and the Pacific Ocean through education and they set out to do something about it. Today, their legacy lives on through the Fernandez Earle Scholarship Foundation whereby one student, from a coastal fishing community, is sent with a full scholarship to Hawaii. Last week, the 5th Annual Fernandez Earle Scholarship Foundation Event was held at Capilano Golf and Country Club. Featuring a fabulous wine auction and fabulous trips, the evening was a night to remember.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
Vancouver's best events and celebrity functions are all archived here. Vancouver pubs, clubs, nightclubs, gala events and fundraisers are included. Thanks for viewing.
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Scholarship students Leigh-Anna Marks and Ben Drover say the extra work has been well worth the chance to go to school in Hawaii. |
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Cruise Ship Centres CEO Mike Drever, left, and ScotaiMcLeod's Greg Smth joined host Steve Earle, son of Roger Earle, during the cocktail reception. |
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Darryl Weinbren, of Authentic Wine & Spirits, was thrilled to supply all the sparkling wine for the outdoor reception. |
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Diamond man Gren Thomas and Cheri were among the VIPs lending their support to this worthwhile cause. |
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Stuiod 4 TV host Fanny Kiefer and Earle family matriarch June Earle, show why this is a friends and family event. |
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Dr. Paul Kariya, left, Executive Director of the Pacific Salmon Foundation, joins foundation chair Beverley Kniffen and director Irv Ridd. |
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