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CKNW Bullying Stops Here Campaign Against School Violence - North Shore Day
Feb 19, 2008
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
The North Shore Outlook is delivered to over 60,000 homes in Canada's wealthiest communities, North Vancouver and West Vancouver, every Thursday - over 60,000 issues in print. |
"Bullying Stops Here" is a CKNW AM 980 radio initiative designed to raise awareness about school bullying, cyber-bullying and workplace bullying. Black Press and the NS Outlook have already added their support to the campaign but many more voices are needed. Today, I am proud to dedicate my column to this very worthwhile cause and to urge everyone on the North Shore to wear pink on Wed. Feb 27 to show that bullying really does stop here. Want to help - then go to <www.westvancouver.com> and following the links to add your name to the growing list of supporters.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
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Cindy Papa, left, and Kristy Lowes will make sure Park Royal merchants get into the act on Feb 27. |
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North Vancouver's Coast Mountain bus drivers, led by Edward Mulcahy, will add a bullying stop to their schedules in support. |
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Lonsdale Quay merchants will follow the lead of Kosta "The Fishmonger" Zogaris and wife Renee of Salmon Shop/Screaming Mimi's fame. |
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North Shore Esso employees and Mulgrave school students will think pink thanks to owner/operator Karim Chandani, son Adam and daughter Jalisa. |
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North Van City Mayor Darrell Mussatto, left, seen here with CKNW's own Kevin Hayes, will weaar his pink golf shirt on Feb 27. |
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North Van District councillors Janice Harris and Mike Little will put this cause for kids at the top of their list. |
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Encouraging all Lower Mainland Boston Pizza restaurants to join them, Franchisee Darrell Lesueur and Community Relations Steve Nowell, at right, tell their team to spread the word. |
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