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Burrard Yacht Club Classic Boat and Car Show
Jun 15, 2008
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
The North Shore Outlook is delivered to over 60,000 homes in Canada's wealthiest communities, North Vancouver and West Vancouver, every Thursday - over 60,000 issues in print. |
The sun was shining in more ways than one on Father's Day Sunday, especially for car enthusiasts. Porsches lined Marine Drive in West Vancouver's Dundarave for the annual Show and Ride while in North Vancouver's Waterfront Park, the Ferraris, Lambos and Maseratis got in line for the Italian Car Show. But for a double dose of fun, families headed down to the Burrard Yacht Club for the Classic Boat and Car Show. So no matter where you went, it all added up to some freewheeling fun guaranteed to make dad's day.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
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