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Vancouver Leo Awards 2008 at Westin Bayshore
May 24, 2008
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
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It's a happy tenth anniversary wish this week for the North Shore's own Walter Daroshin and business partner Sonny Wong who, for more than a decade now, have dedicated their time and efforts into celebrating the best in BC film and television. The 2008 Leo Awards, held last weekend at the Westin Bayshore, simply wouldn't exist without these two men. Local actors, directors, writers and more have had lots to celebrate since as they are honoured by their peers in this annual Oscar-style award ceremony which helps bring a little Hollywood glamour, and a lot of deserved recognition, to our no-so-little corner of the world. Congrats to all.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
Vancouver's best events and celebrity functions are all archived here. Vancouver pubs, clubs, nightclubs, gala events and fundraisers are included. Thanks for viewing.
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Leo Awards producing partner Sonny Wong is one lucky guy as he celebrates the tenth anniversary with his wife and two beautiful daughters. |
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Young Tamara Daroshin, daughter to producer Walter Daroshin, celebrates Leo's ten year anniversary with freind Maggie Hope on the red carpet. |
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Greyston Holt, left, nominated for Best Supporting Performance by a Male in a Dramatic Series for Durham County, receives congratulations from West Van's own Mark Sager on the red carpet. |
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Tenth anniversary gala host Gary Jones, left, teams up with double Leo award winner Colin Cunningham backstage. |
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Waiting to present Leo awards backstage are Corner Gas star Gabrielle Miller, left, actor Matt Frewer, of Intelligence and Max Headroom fame, and Robson Arms star John Cassini. |
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One of the best moments of this year's celebration was when Oscar nominated and Emmy award winning production manager Warren Carr, left, accepted the Outstanding Achievement Award from Leo Producer Walter Daroshin. |
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