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Smith Jarrod from Sex and the City, Crave West VAncouver opens and Wine Educators Dinner at Vanouver Rowing Club
July 17, 2008
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
Check the Metro News Daily - Vancouver Edition- for Catherine Barr's newest column - Social Eyes - 120,000 copies in print every Tuesday. |
Sex and the City character Smith Jarrod (played by actor Jason Lewis) is sultry, seductive and all Samantha's on the big screen. But last week, at a special breast cancer fundraiser at Ceili's on Granville, he belonged to this city. Swarmed by fetching females, the Absolute Hunk handled himself with poise and charm amid scores of bachelorettes and libidinous ladies just dying for a pinch and tickle. Oh well, who said life as a sex symbol was easy. Meanwhile, with summer here, the living is easy at just about anyplace with a patio these days. The Society of Wine Educators (SWE) raised a glass at their annual barbecue, patio party and scholarship dinner in honour of Rick Carl at the Vancouver Rowing Club. And Chef Wayne Martin, of Crave on Main success, has taken his act to the beach in West Vancouver with the opening of Crave Beachside - a star-studded locals haunt whose decadent short-rib frites with truffle mayonnaise is literally flying out the door, and onto the deck.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
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Just as beautiful as the view, Crave servers Kayla Grant, left, and Mercedes Fenyo aim to please at the new West Vancouver eaterie. |
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Server Bobby Swanson and manager Darrick Wan entertain locals and VIPs from a sun-drenched view patio at Crave Beachside. |
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Actor Jason Lewis (Smith Jarrod from Sex and the City), left, and Ceili's GM Mark Reid are swarmed by hordes of swooning fans and femme fatales at the Ceili's breast cancer fundraiser. |
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Looking sexy in the city this night are Cora Mau, left, and Erica Lam at the Ceili's Smith Jarrod event. |
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Stylish sisters Jen and Heidi Hofstad strike a pose in support of breast cancer at the Smith Jarrod event at Ceili's. |
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Diamonds are a girl's best friend - just ask sparkly Natalie Reiter who is among the guests at the Smith Jarrod Ceili's party. |
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Pretty in pink, red, white and Zinfandel. Daenna Van Mulligen, of winediva.ca, enjoys a glass at the SWE Scholarship BBQ. |
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Knowing your wine, and having a good time, are the order of the night at the SWE Scholarship BBQ for Liberty Wines' Regan Schwartz and Bearfoot Bistro's Keith Nicholson. |
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Paul Jordan, of Stile Wines, joins realtor Lucia Cunningham for salmon and sipping at the SWE Scholarship BBQ. |
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We can only wonder how many winning tickets Vancouver Lookout GM Steve Bickerdike and his guest took home after winning the SWE Scholarship BBQ draw. |
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