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Indulge at Edgewater Casino Vancouver
Mar 14, 2008
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
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Chocolates, comedy and cards - it sounds like a good night out to me. And so it was for guests of the Indulge event at the Edgewater Casino in downtown Vancouver. The venue's Plaza of Nations' latest refurb now includes a private lounge/stage room upstairs which is perfect for concerts, meetings and more. With the potential to be a mini-commodore, this event showed-off the facility in style. Guests got a chance to schmooze over martinis during the reception before being entertained by four local comedians. Following the performances, it was time to brush up on your card skills with some blackjack and poker lessons from some of the Edgewater's best dealers. And don't forget the chocolate - all you can eat samples were provided for that extra decadent touch. You can bet a good time was had by all.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
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