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Goldfish One Year Anniversary / Harry McWatters Sumac Ridge Cruise / Players Chophouse BC Lions Kickoff Party
Jun 27, 2008
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
Check the Metro News Daily - Vancouver Edition- for Catherine Barr's newest column - Social Eyes - 120,000 copies in print every Tuesday. |
I'm just wild about Harry - and his Suman Ridge wines. But now, the founder of one of Canada's first estate wineries is stepping down to pursue other interests. Harry McWatters, who helped found the British Columbia Wine Institute, Wines of Canada, VQA Canada, the BC Wine Information Society, was honoured by friends and special guests aboard the Magic Charm during a special Bon Voyage Sumac Ridge cruise celebration. But Harry fans needn't worry - he'll still be around as he plans on working as a consultant and towards establishing the Okanagan Wine Academy. Also this week, the BC Lions roared into action cheered on by the gang at Rob Ward's Players Chophouse on Beatty. A special celebration party and fashion show helped kick-off the season in style. And lastly, congrats to everyone at Yaletown's Goldfish restaurant on their first anniversary. Their fabulous food has made a big splash on the scene and by the looks of things, everything is progressing swimmingly.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
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Lynn Wigen celebrates the start of football season with Team 1040's Paul Carson at Players Chophouse. |
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Players Chophouse manager Joel Tolentino doesn't mind being caught in the middle between Erin Slade and Carly Depatie as the Kickoff party begins. |
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Painted head to toe in BC Lions orange are Nashelle Braithwaite, left, and Niki Nostalgia at Players Chophouse Kickoff party. |
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Executive sous chef Jennifer Dodd and executive chef William Tse serve delicious seared halibut and scallops at Goldfish One Year. |
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The Buzz 1410 radio host Joe Leary, left, CFOX afternoon man Neil Morrison and Rogers Communications' VP Paul Fisher at Goldfish One Year. |
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He's the big fish at Goldfish - congrats to Albert Chee and his crew on their one year anniversary. |
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It's an elegant afternoon harbour cruise for Harry McWatters, founder of Sumac Ridge Estate Winery, to celebrate. |
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Joe Fortes' famous oyster schucker, Oyster Bob, celebrates on board with guests like Megan Moyle at the Sumac Ridge cruise. |
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The Global TV gang, namely Kristi Gordon, left, Jay Janower and Sophie Lui join the Sumac Ridge cruise and the toast to Harry. |
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Fabulous tuna tacos and more are served aboard the Sumac Ridge cruise courtesy of the boys from Joeys - from left: chef Chris Kaiser, manager Kent Strom and chef Taylor Coulthard. |
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