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BC Sports Hall of Fame Dinner, Dominelli Carnevale for the BC Burn Fund and Republic on Granville 2nd year anniversary
May 27, 29, 30, 2008
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
Check the Metro News Daily - Vancouver Edition- for Catherine Barr's newest column - Social Eyes - 120,000 copies in print every Tuesday. |
It's time to "sing the body electric" for world class athletes and world class artists as Vancouver took an esthetically pleasing look at the power of the human body - in two forms. First, the BC Sports Hall of Fame Banquet of Champions took place at the Vancouver Convention Centre where close to 1,000 gala guests came out to honour 11 deserving inductees. Mountain biker Alison Sydor, and soccer's Domenic Mobilio were among the notable names that have helped put this city on the map - but all deserve a standing ovation for having helped inspire us to our Olympic dreams. Meanwhile, Dominelli International honoured the human form in other ways at Carnevale 2008 - the 14th Annual Body Art Competition. Held in support of the BC Burn Fund at the Italian Cultural Centre, 11 talented artists transformed their models into spectacular walking, breathing, works of art - each one representing a different country. Choosing a winner was extremely tough, but Canada, Spain and Kenya took top honours in this battle of the bodies beautiful. Congrats to everyone.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
Vancouver's best events and celebrity functions are all archived here. Vancouver pubs, clubs, nightclubs, gala events and fundraisers are included. Thanks for viewing.
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Chatting with athletes on the stage are BC Hall of Fame Awards hosts Robin Stickley and Steve Darling from Global TV. |
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Hockey man Danny Gare, left, and rugby's Gareth Rees cuddle up to BC Sports Hall of Fame President and CEO Sue Griffin. |
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Whitecaps' Bob Lenarduzzi, left, congratulates BC Sports Hall of Fame inductee for media, Bernie Pascall. |
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"Hurricane" Helen Kelesi, whose world-class tennis career was cut short by numerous brain tumor operations, is now a BC Hall of Famer, coach and writer. |
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Rita Dominelli, founder of Dominelli International College of Esthetics, and Richard Jeha, of Richard Jeha Hair Company, receive applause for their organization of the Carnevale 14th Annual Body Art Competition. |
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Dominelli students Erin Johnson, left, Joseph Cameron and Maralayzza Jara volunteer and cheer on the competition at Dominelli Body Art. |
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Artist Jennifer Little takes home third place for her spectacular depiction of Canada body art which includes geese, totem poles and landscapes. |
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The zebras, leopards and elephants weep blood on artist Ashley Forshaw's body art depiction of Zimbabwe. |
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Sunsets, giraffes and african sheilds helped push artist Samantha Rae into first place and a prize of $2000 for her body art depiction of Kenya on model Regina Bair. |
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Congratulations go out to DHM's Jay Jones and PR gal Tiffany Soper, who welcome guests and VIPs to Republic's two-year celebration on Granville. |
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DHM's marketing man Nate Sabine, left, celebrates Republic's two year anniversay with guest relations gal Meredith Phendler and operations director Reid Ogdon. |
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