I don't often believe in superstition, but when the calendar reads 07/07/07, it's hard not to feel a little fortunate. Lady luck was definitely out in force last weekend for Vancouver's dapper, auto-party king, Brian Jessel, who cashed in on the numbers by selling 55+ cars on July 7th. He then celebrated with VIPs and guests at an exclusive invite only, lucky seven soiree at his swanky BMW dealership on Boundary Road. But the luxury car theme shifted into high gear earlier this month thanks to MCL Motor Cars and the second annual 2007 Rally for Champions event. The day long auto rally, which supports Special Olympics BC, saw participants drive to Harrison Hot Springs and back again. Then, for those who didn't get lost, there was an elegant wrap-up reception at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel that celebrated all things lucky, and luxurious, in life.
There's something about a luxury car that seems to go hand in hand with You didn't have to go topless to get lucky last week.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
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Driving in lucky car number seven (a Mini Cooper) are Jo-Anne Stayner, left, Claire Lamont, Alan Bedingfield and Lindsay Craigen at the MCL Rally. |

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Supporting Special Olympics BC at the MCL Rally event are Ashley Mushaluk, left and Jean Louie from sponsoring AllWest Insurance. |

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AllWest Insurance principals Paul Zalesky and wife Devina, who always give generously to many great causes, take part in the MCL Rally. |

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MCL marketing director Christina Smalley and sales manager Mark Edmonds are thrilled with the turnout for the second annual MCL Rally. |

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Browns restaurateurs Derek Archer, back, and partner Kevin Doyle celebrate the opening of their fourth, fashionable lounge locations in West Vancouver with a special media reception. Also find these foodies at their Yaletown, Kits and North Vancouver locations. |

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Brian Jessel BMW's sales manager Jim Murray and communications manager Rhoda Rizkalla greet guests at the lucky seven soiree. |

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Sean Wesenberg, left, joins Heidi and Larry Rahn for cocktails and conversations at the BMW soiree. |

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The rain in Spain no longer bothers beautiful Tammy Preast, of Ask a Woman events, whose plane arrived just in time for the BMW soiree. |

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Tammy Preast. |

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Sipping Stealth Vodka apple martinis in Brian Jessel's BMW showroom-cum-nightclub setting are invited guests Cindy Cheta, left, and Shashi Maharaj. |

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Brian Jessel is surrounded by ladies and luck thanks to girlfriend Amber Webster, left, lawyer Jennifer Scott and investment advisor Catherine Heath at the BMW soiree. |