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Ladies Media Golf, Project Empty Bowl, Tiko Kerr windsor Gallery and Odd Squad Gala
June 13, 14, 15, 2007
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
Check the Metro News Daily - Vancouver Edition- for Catherine Barr's newest column - Social Eyes - 120,000 copies in print every Tuesday.
I always feel extremely lucky after a week of gala events like this, but not because of the fancy food, wine and celebrity friends. These events, and the people who run them, remind me how much I have to be thankful for compared to those who suffer from illness, addiction, hunger and more. Wendy Cocchia and her Women's Media Golf Tournament has helped special needs kids every year for 20 years. Easter Armas created A Loving Spoonful back in 1989 to help feed homebound and hungry HIV/AIDS patients. And fundraiser Diana Zoppa has helped put the Vancouver Police Department, drug addiction and the Odd Squad Gala on the map since 1999. All I did was show up to take photos. But ladies, I raise my glass in salute to you, and all you do, to remind us all how precious life really is.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
Vancouver's best events and celebrity functions are all archived here. Vancouver pubs, clubs, nightclubs, gala events and fundraisers are included. Thanks for viewing.
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Century Plaza Hotel / Absolute Spa co-owner and tournament organizer Wendy Cocchia receives high praise from Premier Gordon Campbell on the 20th anniversary of the Women's Media Golf Tournament. |

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CFUN 1410 AM radio's Jenn and Joe show host Jennifer Thomson and CTV weatherman Marke Driesschen pair up at the Women's Media Golf banquet to model a set of bathrobes and a spa package up for auction. |

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Helping raise money for special needs kids at the Women's Media Golf banquet are Global TV news anchor Jill Krop, left, and CityTV's Tasha Chiu. |

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CTV's Dr. Rhonda Low, left, and Gourmet Warehouse's media/foodie gal Caren McSherry relax after a day on the links at the Women's Media Golf banquet. |

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BC Lions owner Bob Eccles throws his best pass, and a pair of seasons tickets, into the Women's Media Golf banquet auction. |

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Entertainer/impersonator Tracey Bell, who often looks like Liza, Cher and/or Marilyn, decides to be herself tonight to support friend and event chair David Gouge at the Project Empty Bowl Gala and Loving Spoonful fundraiser. |

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A Loving Spoonful founder Easter Armas shows off her empty bowl alongside event planner Michel Nadeau at the Project Empty Bowl Gala which raises money for meals for HIV/AIDS victims. |

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Featured artists Ross Penhall, left, and Tiko Kerr are both part of Winsor Gallery's new exhibit and new space which features 6,000 sq.ft of artful eye candy. Exhibit runs until July 15th. Tiko's Self Portrait with Syringes is especially poignant as he continues his public battle with HIV. |

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Musician Aaron Chapman, left, of the Town Pants celtic band, joins Odd Squad Gala PR gal Alison Cunningham and Al Arsenault, president of Odd Squad Productions Society and a 27-year veteran Vancouver Police member at the Through a Blue Wall 2007 gala.

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Raising awareness about Vancouver's drug problems is the goal of the Through a Blue Wall 2007 gala at which host/news anchor Chris Gailus, left, and Vancouver Police Constable Jamie Graham are pleased to support. Will Chris become Global TV's newest main man when Tony Parsons retires full-time? |