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Gold Medal Olympic Vancouver Plates and Joe Fortes Slurp and Swirl Oysters
Nov 14, 2007
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
Check the Metro News Daily - Vancouver Edition- for Catherine Barr's newest column - Social Eyes - 120,000 copies in print every Tuesday. |
Going for gold is easy when you have an Olympic athlete by your side. At least it looked that way at the Westin Bayshore last week as the city's top chefs battled it out in a unique culinary competition in support of Canada's Own the Podium (OTP) and Road to Excellence (RTE) Olympic programs. Designed to generate funds to develop top medal-winners, the Gold Medal Plates competition sees various athlete/chef pairs compete in seven different Canadian cities. Jim Cuddy, of Blue Rodeo fame, kicked off the ceremonies before CBC's Steve Armitage took over as MC. And speaking of food competitions, the friendly folk over at Joe Fortes also got in the act with their Fifth Annual Slurp and Swirl oyster competition which benefits the BC Firefighters Burn Fund. Handsome men, beautiful ladies, oysters and champagne means this was one sexy mother shucking party.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
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Embattled chef Rob Feenie, who competes as an independent at Gold Medal Plates, pokes fun at his likeness: a portrait by artist Joy Caros. |
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Three-time Olympic swimmer and 1996 Silver medalist Marianne Limpert teams up with Pino Posteraro of Cioppino's at Gold Medal Plates. |
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Figure skater Emanuel Sandhu serves up a winner at David Hawksworth's table, of West Restaurant fame, at Gold Medal Plates. |
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I'll have two golden boys to go please - namely Okanagan chef Ned Bell (left) and Olympic 2000 Gold medal triathlete Simon Whitfield. |
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Gold Medal Plates event co-chair and former Canucks owner Arthur Griffiths (left) poses with one of the original Crazy Canucks - Bronze medal skier Steve Podborski. |
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Freestyle 2002 silver medallist Varonica Brenner pairs up with Paralympic skier Daniel Wesley who has an impressive two Gold, two Bronze and one Silver in his trophy case. |
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Los Angeles 1984 Silver medallist and five time Olympic track and field competitor Charmaine Crooks wines and dines with hubby Anders. |
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Gold Medal Plates culinary judge and media personality Vicki Gabereau puts a hold on Olympic 2000 Gold medal wrestler Daniel Igali. |
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Adding glam to the Joe Fortes gala are Diana Zoppa (left), Suzanne Daley, Lynn Wigen and Kiara Hunter. |
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Firefighters Mike Canaday (left) and Adam Ryan are thrilled to have Joe Fortes raise all that money for the Burn Fund. |
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Joe Fortes oyster competition MC and CTV newsman Mike Killeen joins PR gal Tara Parker Tait and Albert Chee for the finals. |
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