Blo Me! That's the message salon owner Jon Paul Holt and his staff want to send to the thieves that broke in and stole the company's new Mac computers just days before opening. Actually, despite this tough "Blo", the slogan has taken hold in more ways than one as the award-winning, internationally acclaimed stylist and consultant to the stars celebrated his newest venture in Yaletown - Blo: Blow Dry Bar. Think "pink" was the theme as the salon staff partied in support of breast cancer and encouraged everyone, except the thieves, to come on back for a quickie. Meanwhile, neighbouring Opus Hotel was set to samba in the streets with their fifth annual summer street party in support of UNICEF and the fight for children with AIDS in Africa. Hotel partner John Evans, who is preparing to open his Montreal Opus location, was among the many VIPs in attendance. Hakuna Matata!
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Pink marabou and a tiny puppy too - models Sophie Andrew, left, and Aiden Dee party Paris Hilton style at Blo. |

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Volunteer Julia Paterson offers ice cold Mojitos to those in need of a Blo in Yaletown. |

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Capones' restaurant girls Brielle Wong, left, and Shannin Bloxam pass out the nibbles at the Blo opening. |

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Glowbal Group bar manager Jim Shelton is well positioned between models Robyn Tims, left, and Sky Foletto at the Blo party. |

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Blo salon owner John Paul Holt and business partner Judy Brooks welcome VIPs like Cristina and Trevor Linden, Vancouver Canucks star, to the opening night party in Yaletown. |

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Looking pretty in pink at Blo, actress Emily Holmes, left, who can be seen in the upcoming film Nightwatching, joins HGTV's She's Crafty host Wendy Russell and Crash Test Mommy host Nicole Oliver. |

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Jessica Olafson, left, Claire George and Meghan Flather serve up suds as African drums beat in the background at the Opus street party. |

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Lions and tigers and . . . zebras? Oh my, Jennifer Warren, left, and Victoria Plant get painted head to toe at Opus. |

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Five-time Olympian and 1984 Olympic silver medalist Charmaine Crooks supports UNICEF alongside Bar None and DHM operating partner Mike Shea at Opus. |

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Opus Hotel and Trilogy Properties president John Evans presents a cheque for UNICEF with the help of Global TV anchor Chris Gailus. |