It was a dark and stormy night . . . literally. But even a powerful winter storm couldn't knock the wind out of this group's sails. The West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce's annual Christmas party will be part of a December to remember as the power failed at Capilano Golf and Country Club minutes before guests arrived for the seasonal holiday celebration. No one seemed scared of the shadows here as tiny flashlights were brought in and the staff served a fabulous dinner followed by entertainment and live music - unplugged, of course. In fact, dining by candlelight and dancing in the dark may just become the norm for next year since the party was such a big hit in the end.
shone brighter than every last week as members gathered up at Capilano Golf and Country Club to celebrate . . . in the dark???
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Chamber administrative assistant Julie Clements welcomed guests with her small flashlight and illuminating personality. |

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A couple of shiny, happy, holiday smiles from Maggie Pappas (left) and director Lynn Jest helped light up the room. |

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Chamber executive director Kathleen Campbell (left), seen here with the NS Outlook's own XXXX and publisher Linda Stewart, really can work miracles, even in the dark. |

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An enlightened group for sure. From left: Park Royal VP Rick Amantea, chamber director Luis Sopena, Toy Jungle and chamber first VP Gary Mussatto and wife Misti. |

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The North Shore's most famous butcher, Peter Black always plays Santa at the party. Seen here with Ambleside - Tiddlycove Lions' past president Eric Keller, they didn't let the darkness dampen their party spirit. |

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Newly minted chamber president Haleh (Holly) K. Alexander is the Branch Manager, RBC Royal Bank, Park Royal Branch in West Vancouver. |

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Margareta Design's Mary Molson knows that the best way to light the night is with sparkles and jewels. |