Even a torrential downpour couldn't damped the spirits of both cast and crowd last Thursday as The Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival celebrated the start of its 17th season. The premiere of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" included a special before show sponsors' reception and cast after party. Running until Sep. 24, this play is both beautiful in prose as it is fun to watch. And don't think of it as high-brow entertainment either - this is serious slapstick. Think "Victorian-style circus meets Sex-in-the-City . . . on drugs" . Go and see it, you won't be disappointed.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
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Bard's marketing director Diana King and artistic director Christopher Gaze welcomed sponsors and invited guests to opening night. |

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Bard administration's Thomas Roach (left) and general manager Robert Barr (no relation) are looking forward to the company's 17th successful season. |

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Vancity board chair Elain Duvall and CEO Dave Mowatt are among the very important spnosors who help put on Bard each year. |

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Hugs, kisses and big applause for director Dean Paul Gibson whose umbrella motif, which is present throughout the play, was especially fitting this night. |

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Turning in a fabulous performance as a tutu wearing, punk-like "Puck" was lead actor Kyle Rideout (left). Catch him and fellow actors Jennifer Lines and Haig Sutherland in this, and other, Bard favourites this year. |

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Commanding the forest, and the stage, as both Queen and King of the Fairies were actors Colleen Wheeler and West Vancouver's Ian Butcher. |

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Sponsoring Bard for many years now is the North Shore's Carolanne Reynolds and hubby George Pajari. |

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Melissa Poll, who plays Helena, will be cheering on her beau, North Van's David Mackay, who will make his directorial debut with "Troilus and Cressida". |