WV Rotary

BACK to school means back to business for a lot of service groups across the North Shore and that includes the West Vancouver Rotary club. Meetings take place every Wednesday evening at West Vancouver's Hollyburn Country Club and a new membership drive is underway. Meeting nights include introductions, dinner and a guest speaker. Remember the motto: "an organization of business and professional persons united world wide who provide humanitarian service."


Guest speaker Dina Zeitler, president of the Ambleside Business Association, was welcomed to the podium by John Rapson.


Visiting from Brazil was Rotary member Dalthon Bosse who will be staying here until November.


Caught flirting again - wink. Frank Bernard, seen here with wife Atie, is in charge of new members and guest speakers.


President Salvador Huerta is from Mexico and is rumoured to be a championship swimmer. He and B&B owner Heidi Schmidt are looking forward to a great fall season.


Past president Ken Wilson, seen here with wife Peggy, was in charge during 1999-2000.


Standing in front of the many banners received from various worldwide clubs was past presidents John Anderson (left) and Glen Dodd.


Standing proudly beside the organization's blue satin banner was Stinson Clarke, club secretary.


Jorge Gonzalez (left) made sure that cashier Al Staple made it home safely with the receipts.


Visiting from Mexico for one full year is rotary member Marta Ugartechea.

Please visit <a href="http://www.catherinebarr.com">CatherineBarr.com</a> for all stories, news and archives.

Page created by Catherine Barr on 6/09/2001