man Dave Martinez joined Granville Island Breweing rep Erica Molinski.
Kathy Kolida has been working there for over three years now.
This day she served up "kamikazis", "broken down golf carts" and
"Jello" shooters.
Spirit Lifters" team was riding high after winning their first
game. From back left: Dianna Dalton, Paul Stegavig, Kirsten Jensen
and Helena Stol (in front).
ready to serve up an ace was team member Rob Daniels.
two wins in their pocket, the staff from North Van's Pemberton
Station was looking good. From left: Cori Clausen, Cameron Isenor
and Val Wheatley.
left: Steve O'Farrell, Colleen Nave and Michael Atkinson had lots
of team spirit and were part of the Pemberton Station team.
belated birthday to Michael Nyakas (left) who got down in the
sand to save the shot alongside teammate Wes Dirksen.
Roxy nightclub was ready to hit the courts thanks to Shannon Hambly
(from left), Jay Bomford, Robyn Miles and with the help of Windsor
teacher Trent Mohrbutter.
ask them their score. The gang from the Boathouse in Horseshoe
Bay was just having fun. From left: Kim Kovach, Colin Taylor (back),
Brad Kovach and Brad Johnson.
using your head to score points. Steve Dutchak and Raegan Fleming
were playing on the Boathouse team.
Reynolds (left) and Ian McDonald had some fun while representing
the Red Robin gang.
a tournament like this is hungry work. A big thanks to Nancy Campos
(from left), Charlene Duncan and Bob Sudbury from everyone involved.