WV Presbyterian Cookbook

THEY call it "Food for the Soul" so you know it has to be good. West Vancouver Presbyterian Church held a launch party on Friday Nov. 2 at the Coco Loco Cafe to celebrate their new cookbook. Recipies from local restaurants highlight the publication which was sponsored in part by 37 local North Shore businesses. Lots of sample appetizers were served at the launch as party platters were passed around by the kids. Lots of books were sold, but you can still get one at The Cappuccino Kitchen in Park Royal. Proceeds from the sale of the cookbook will go to support the Youth Outreach Program.


Janine Baker (left) and Margaret Baker, of Tapestry Florists, placed an ad in the cookbook in show of support.


Beryl Skinner got her Christmas shopping done early by purchasing four books.


Hazel Mackie (left) was happy to see her sister-in-law, namely cookbook publicist and committee member Jean Lawrence.




Big smiles from pretty 12-year-old Meghan Jennings who was happy to pass out the goodies.


Realtor Kathy Bonderove (left) was one of the book sponsors. She was pleased to meet church member, and professional singer, Wilma Head-Payton.


Secret Garden's Margaret Czachor (centre) nibbled and noshed with Daughter for Hire's Toni van der Geest (left) and Denise Bard.


same as above


Promoting the good book were ten-year-old Alexandra Khalil (from left), mom Amal and 13-year-old Tiana Farran.


Let's hear it for the party planners. Hollie Stothert (left) and May Loudon were also on the cookbook committee.


Working together to get things done in time for the book launch were Strachan Birnie (from left), J.B. Milne and Margaret Milne.


Muriel Whitlock (from left), Woldy Sosnowsky, Mary Tomlinson and Donald Payton were in good spirits as they toasted the occasion.

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Page created by Catherine Barr on 9/11/2001