They call their band "Wookie Company", but Matthew Bissett (left)
and Kennedy Goodkey are also members of the Epicentre Theatre
Lauryn Gerzymisch (left) is the "front of house" and box office
manager while Margaret Lee is a member of the theatre's board.
Michael Methot and Rita Weakes are both dedicated to the stage.
Michael is also a member of the North Van Community Players and
specializes in lighting design.
Trish and Bob Martin (left) belong to the North Van Community
Players as well as Theatre West Van. Best Actor winner Rosemary
Klassen (right) is also part of Theatre West Van.
Captain Kirk always gets the girl. Deborah DeMille and Michael
Schaldemose will both be involved in productions early next year.
Volunteer Sarah Fox (left) and managing director Val Mason were
busy reading the future as they offered guests tarot card and
rune stone readings.
They call themselves "Stalking Bambi", but this band can really
groove. From left: Fred Allen, Darren Cochran, Bill Langerud,
Scott Cameron and Martin Jackson.
Dig the lava lamp man. Event organizer and theatre coordinator
Carey Erickson did a great job with all the details.
Daniel Charlton accompanied West Van actor Barry Duffus who,
rumour has it, does one heck of a Rocky Horror time warp dance.
Those were the days. Presentation House secretary Anne Marsh
and president Bill Elliott dressed up as Edith and Archie Bunker.
Disco dancer Bruce Van Luven said he bought a brand new gold
medaillion necklace just for this occasion.
Allison and Mike Caudle said they were "friends of the band",
and came out to lend their support.