North Vancouver's Maureen Young is a CIBC mortgage specialist
and event runner.
"We do it for the kids," said North Vancouver's Travis Talbot, captain of the Shark Club team.
Sadhru Mitha and grandaughter Jasmine.
They run all over the North Shore. Realtors Iain Edmonds and Lauren Jackson.
Team Prudential had a BBQ Luau. Grant Botto (left), Ray Mitchell (centre) and Gordon Harmon made sure there was lots of Maui ribs to go round.
These relay rangers are better known as Jennifer Hayes (left) and North Van's Leslie Beckerman.
The North Shore's own Giannubilo family came out in force. Clockwise from back left: Dad Cas, mom Alev and daughters Asia and Kashtin.
*BIG* Last year they helped raise over $1.2 million. This year, North Van's Don Basham (left) and West Van's Terry Burns were back to beat the record.
These twin sisters were honoured to be the Relay's special representatives. "We're very excited," said Carly (left) and Angela Plasteras.
Last time we saw little William Turner, he was but a month old.
This year he was big enough to come to the relay with media manager
mom Lea Carpenter.
Melody Berkowski raises puppies like Halley for the PADS (Pacific Assistance Dogs Society) which helps the disabled.
Who's that behind the smoke? It's the Milestones' BBQ gang, namely (from left) Karl Gregg, Mike Mulcahy, WV restaurant manager Debbie Machell and exec chef Jim Romer.
Sue Kallstrom (centre) had her hands full at the beer tent with Lions Club members Bob Akeroyd (left) and Dick Keal.
Security guard Thomas Gerard.