He’s known for producing movies like The Interview, with Seth Rogen and James Franco, Horns, with Daniel Radcliffe, White Noise, with Michael Keaton, and more. Brightlight Pictures executive Shawn Williamson is no stranger to the movie scene here in Vancouver and Hollywood, so what better way to celebrate his 15 year anniversary than with an invite only VIP party here at home. Congratulations Shawn, we love seeing you on the big screen.
Actors Mike Dopud, left, and Angela Dopud with Shawn Stewart
PR girls Rhiannon Lytle, left, Lindsay Nahmiache and Cydoney Curran
Helping host the event at their Michelin star restaurant Bauhaus are Natalie and Uwe Boll
Neal Clarence, left, with fashion designer Anna Kosturova and Peter Leitch, president North Shore Studios / Mammoth Studios
Actor Gary Chalk and wife Colleen Nystedt celebrated their anniversary this night.
Actress Michaela Mann and Joel Ross
The man of the moment – Brightlight Pictures Shawn Williamson
Anita Adams and Vancouver Web Fest’s Suzette Laqua